Ryan Rasdall is a Corporate Attorney at Goulston & Storrs, where his practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, corporate financing, and compliance.
Previously, Ryan was the Legal Assistant for the Transgender Rights Project at Lambda Legal, the oldest and largest national legal organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and people with HIV. In that role, Ryan facilitated the Transgender Rights Project’s work by, among other things, conducting research and analysis on issues facing transgender people. Ryan has also spoken about his and Lambda Legal’s work to advance transgender rights to various audiences, including the Connecticut Trans Lives Conference, the NYC Human Rights Council, the Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, as a guest lecturer at Smith College and on YouTube.
Ryan majored in The Study of Women and Gender at Smith College and graduated from Northeastern University’s School of Law in 2020.
His term on the Board expires June 13, 2025.